It is nighttime. You find yourself looking into a mirror.
What do you see?
(link: "Your face")[
(set: $mirror to 0)($go: "[[Dream Mirror]]")
(link: "Your body")[
(set: $mirror to 1)($go: "[[Dream Mirror]]")
(link: "Something unrecognizable")[
(set: $mirror to 2)($go: "[[Dream Mirror]]")
The mirror falls, as if let go, smashing on the floor and waking you. You feel like, if you tried, you could recall the figure that held it.
(link: "Try to remember")[(set: $remember to true)($go: "[[Meeting]]")]
(link: "Resist")[(set: $remember to false)($go: "[[Meeting]]")]
You've forgotten. The alarm that woke you insists your meeting is in five minutes.
You’re dressed up just enough for a video call, but soon after you join a wet sensation accumulates in the corner of your eye.
[[Wipe it away->Eye Wipe]]
[[Persevere->Eye Leave]]
(set: $check_mirror to false)
(set: $mirror_search to false)There was a lot more than you thought, so you turn off your webcam to dry it completely.
You worry about the damage you've done to your face. You should take a look.
[[Find your mirror->Mirror Look]]
[[Turn your camera back on->Webcam Look]]
(set: $wipe to true)When the meeting ends, you wipe away the fluid and find it thick like syrup.
It's colorless, so no one should've noticed.
While preparing for your commute, you notice you've been avoiding your bedroom.
[[Open its door->Mirror Look]]
(set: $wipe to false)Your gut tells you to stay out of your bedroom, but you go inside.
Everything seems normal at first, then you notice...
Your mirror is gone.
In its place remains a naked nail in the wall, without any indication there had once been something there. You consider how hard it is to misplace a mirror that large.
[[Search for it->Search]]
(set: $check_mirror to true)Your camera doesn't cooperate. It doesn't want to see you like this.
After many attempts, you at last manage to view a split second of footage and you understand why you are better left unseen. Is it bad white balance, a weird filter, or did you really claw at your eyes like that?
The basement door is next to your office. You remember an antique mirror had been left there.
You feel an urge to destroy your skin. You hope you get to see yourself before you do.
(link: "Exfoliate")[(set: $pick to true)($go: "[[Basement]]")]
(link: "Endure")[(set: $pick to false)($go: "[[Basement]]")]
You manage to leave your house and head to work.
[[You feel followed, take a new route->New Route]]
[[Your usual route is the quickest, follow it->Old Route]]
(set: $outside to true)You search your floor and your closet, but you already know it won't be there. Maybe it's time to grab the old one from the basement.
Your bed, for some reason, is neat and made. In a moment of wishful thinking, you praise yourself for finding the time, and start feeling around for a flat piece of glass. You come across an almost imperceptible bump.
[[Remove the covers->Bed]]
[[Go to the basement->Basement]]
(set: $mirror_search to true)
(set: $basement to false)You come across an old tree. The sidewalk splits along its roots. Its colossal stature teases at a silhouette kept deep in your subconscious. You don't stick around.
Soon after you pass, you hear the sound of cracking wood. You imagine a branch plumeting through the canopy.
(link: "Keep walking")[(set: $ran to false)($go: "[[Work]]")]
(link: "Run")[(set: $ran to true)($go: "[[Work]]")]
(set: $new_route to true)You move quick, but you suspect its not quick enough. What's more, you've heard chewing sounds for the last few blocks. Its not you, but you keep touching your mouth to be sure.
You almost step on an animal carcass when you turn a corner. The meat is plump and fresh. Blood is still dripping out of a gash in its abdomen, and a vulture attempts to come near the two of you. It's eager to take a bite.
(link: "Shoo it away")[(set: $help to true)($go: "[[Work]]")]
(link: "Leave")[(set: $help to false)($go: "[[Work]]")]
(set: $new_route to false)You arrive at your office, but you know //it// has beaten you here.
The street is empty, and you reach for the building's door.
//It// is expecting you.
(link: "Hesitate")[
(set: $hesitate to true)
($go: "[[Office Ending]]")
(text-style: "fidget")[(link: "Enter")[
(set: $hesitate to false)
($go: "[[Office Ending]]")
(set: $go to (macro: str-type _name, [
(goto: (trimmed: "]]", (trimmed: "[[", _name)))
]))You notice how cold the door handle is, entirely unlike the sunny morning.
You're exhausted, you want to sleep. On cue, the viscous fluid in your eye darkens. The grass invites you to rest. It is warm, but also plush, like fine velvet.
As you drift off, you feel the velvet turn tacky and coarse. You imagine a giant tongue would feel similar. You hear a slow breathing as your body lowers below what you thought was the ground. With each breath, a gust of air rushes over your whole body.
[[You taste like...->Results]]{(set: _name to "")(set: _detail to "")(set: _img to "")
<script src="taco-data/combined.js"></script>
const total = (
(($remember ? 1 : 0) << 0) +
(($check_mirror ? 1 : 0) << 1) +
(($wipe ? 1 : 0) << 2) +
(($outside ? 1 : 0) << 3) +
(($new_route ? 1 : 0) << 4) +
(($ran ? 1 : 0) << 5) +
(($hesitate ? 1 : 0) << 6) +
(($mirror_search ? 1 : 0) << 7) +
(($basement ? 1 : 0) << 8) +
(($regret ? 1 : 0) << 9) +
(($pray ? 1 : 0) << 10) +
(($pick ? 1 : 0) << 11) +
($mirror << 13) +
($notice << 15)
const idx = Math.round(alea(total)() * (window.taco_data.length - 1));
const chosen = window.taco_data[idx];
_name =;
_detail = chosen.detail ? chosen.detail : '';
_img = chosen.img ? `<img class='taco-img' src='taco-data/${chosen.img}' />` : '';
_img \
_detail<script src=""></script>
<script src="taco-data/combined.js"></script>(set:$mirror to false,$remember to true,$check_mirror to true,$wipe to true,$outside to true,$new_route to true,$ran to false,$hesitate to false)The bump moves as you touch it. It feels alive. You throw your blanket to the floor, but nothing's underneath. You start to doubt yourself until you see the mouse that's buried its nails into the clump of fabric. But it soon notices you and scurries into the other room. Your eyes follow a strand of thread still stuck to its foot.
You don't see, but hear the mouse shriek, followed by a floor-shattering thud. It becomes quiet, like all other life knew to leave before you did. You're not sure if your shivering or if the house is still rattling, so you stand at the door of your bathroom for stability.
With the bathroom light on you can get a good look at yourself in the mirror, you look alright. You let out a sigh and close your eyes, but you soon feel the room dim through your eyelids.
You think that maybe you should pray.
(link: "Pray")[(set: $pray to true)($go: "[[Reflection]]")]
(link: "Resign")[(set: $pray to false)($go: "[[Reflection]]")]
(set: $basement to false)The basement reeks of mold. Dust and cobwebs flow past as you navigate the maze of boxes and shelving. Almost by chance, you come across a human-sized frame cloaked in canvas. This mirror was here when you moved in, maybe no one will miss it.
Your eyes have already adjusted to the low light, so you have no trouble taking the cover off. Its frame is expensive and ornate, looking out of place among the refuse. You close your eyes before taking a look.
Your body has taken you far. Over the years, your mind has held up well. You feel you owe an apology to them both, for becoming fodder.
(link: "Apologize")[(set: $regret to true)($go: "[[Reflection]]")]
(link: "Regret nothing")[(set: $regret to false)($go: "[[Reflection]]")]
(set: $basement to true)You open your eyes.
You notice something wrong
(text-indent: 24)[(link: "about your face.")[(set: $notice to 0)($go: "[[Home Ending]]")]]
(text-indent: 24)[(link: "about your body.")[(set: $notice to 1)($go: "[[Home Ending]]")]]
(text-indent: 24)+(text-style: "fidget")[(link: "in your periphery.")[(set: $notice to 2)($go: "[[Home Ending]]")]]
{(if:$wipe is true)[
The liquid that was once on your eye has turned black on your hand.
For better or worse, you'll get to see it all.
You see a black liquid build up around your eye.
It feels like it's been there all morning.
You understand that //it// doesn't want you to see what happens next.
In your reflection, a wall of flesh stands tall behind you. Teeth line its edges, but a soft tongue occupies the majority. Its breath throws warm air across your body. Sometimes, in between blinks, the tongue reminds you of a plush velvet bed. An inhale tugs at your clothes. You're tired, and you want to sleep.
You suddenly understand yourself. You know why //it// wants you.
[[You taste like...->Results]]{
(set:$mirror to 0)
(set:$remember to false)
(set:$check_mirror to false)
(set:$wipe to false)
(set:$outside to false)
(set:$new_route to false)
(set:$ran to false)
(set:$hesitate to false)
(set: $mirror_search to false)
(set: $basement to false) <!--or bed-->
(set: $regret to false)
(set: $notice to 0)
(set: $pray to false)
(set: $pick to false)